शुक्रवार, फ़रवरी 14, 2025
होमATTENTIONWhy are people in India’s Ladakh protesting against central government? What Happened...

Why are people in India’s Ladakh protesting against central government? What Happened in Ladakh?

What Happened in Ladakh? Ladakh in Danger! Where is the Media?

In the month of Ladakh, more than 30,000 people gathered and protested. Watch this video. If you feel that the number is not very big, but 30,000 means that more than 10% of the entire Union Territory people gathered at one place to protect their rights. On March 6, when the government did not listen to the people even after talks, famous educator and activist Sonam Wangchuk decided that she would sit on an infinity fast to start a fast unto death until our Ladakhi voices are heard. Government should not pay attention to Ladakh Part of 21 days which can become a fast unto death


 Just think, if it comes on any road in the country, what a big news it would be, but the way it is being bought by Change, see what is the demand of Protestants, we will talk about it later in the video, but in the video, I would also like to show you this. The story is not only of Ladakh, the same story is being created in every corner of the country today, the political corporate amnesty that is putting Ladakh in danger is the same mafia which destroyed the Hasdeo forests in the hills of Manipur. Baksh set fire and is bent on destroying the place. This is the same mafia due to which Joshimath is sinking.


Due to which the tunnel of Uttarkashi collapsed and today even Lakshadweep is in danger, this mafia which if not stopped will slowly eat the country like termites and will make it hollow from inside, let us understand that in today’s video, friends, Sonu Mangu If you don’t know then it is important to tell that he is the same person.


 Who was inspired by the character of Rancho in the film 3 Idiots, the work done by Rancho in the film is the same innovative invention done by Sonam Wangchuk in real life. In 2021, she made these environment friendly solar heated tents for the Indian Army, which helped in Apart from this, Sonam Wangchuk has also designed many carbon neutral solar buildings in Ladakh and also came up with the concept of I Stupa.


 He introduced the concept of these artificial glaciers to deal with water shortage in Ladakh. This is the reason why the network has been honored with many awards, whether it is the award from Ram Mohan Marg, the Green Teacher Award or the award from UNESCO. Neither today, when Sonam has demanded that they are sitting on Infinity Fast, there must be a very serious problem. The problem is democracy in Ladakh, the environment of Ladakh and the rights of the people of Ladakh. All the people of Ladakh have four demands.


 Here, first, Ladakh should be included in the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution, second, Ladakh should be given full statehood, third, 2 MPs should be given from Ladakh, currently only one MP is from Ladakh in Lok Sabha and zero MP in Rajya Sabha and fourth is Sikar in Ladakh. A Public Service Commission should be established for jobs. Let us understand in detail one by one.


First, what is this Sixth Schedule, it is that part of the Constitution which protects the tribal population of the country. According to this, to promote democracy in the tribal areas, the tribal people of the country can form their own Autonomous District Council and Autonomous Regional Council. These can also be called ADC and Arki and these are basically elected bodies which have the power to administer the tribal area. At the local level, the tribal people can make their own laws regarding their land, their forests, their social cultural customs. These six schedules are applicable today to prevent outsiders from coming and exploiting their land and resources.


Tribal areas of the status of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram. Now you will think that there are no forests in Ladakh, then why are the people of Ladakh demanding this? There are three reasons behind this. Friends, first of all it is true that there is not much forest in Ladakh. can be seen but every area has its own natural biodiversity


Nature in the Face of Mountains the Rock If climate change is allowed to be exploited, there is a big threat to Ladakh.


And Sonam ji has explained many times that the area of ​​Ladakh was a very vulnerable area considering the climate change. Nature in the Face of Mountains the Rock. If climate change is allowed to be exploited then there is a big danger for Ladakh. Natural disasters, flash floods, landslides, the number of all these will increase. Secondly, the majority of the population of Ladakh actually comes under the category of Scheduled Tribes. According to NCC, about 66.8% of the population in Ladakh is of Scheduled Tribe.


It is 83% in Kargil and in some areas it goes up to 99%. Third and the biggest reason is that the Six Schedule will give the people of Ladakh their democratic rights. Think for yourself whether the people of Ladakh have any democracy in the name of democracy today. Ever since Article 370 was removed in August 2019, Ladakh was made a separate union territory, Jammu and Kashmir was made a separate union territory, people had no problem with the removal of Article 370, but there was a problem with what the government did along with Jammu and Kashmir. Kashmir used to be a flower state.


From 2019 onwards, it was downgraded and divided into two different Union Territories. Same thing was said by the former Governor of Ganak, Satyapal Malik. He feels worse about this than the removal of Article 370. Absolutely, I had no advice in this too, I would have liked to have taken it. The Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir still got its own Legislative Assembly, but that right was also taken away from Ladakh. Before 2019, when Jammu and Kashmir used to be a full state, Ladakh used to sleep for 4 months.


But today this number has become zero. Delhi is also a union territory but there also exists a government at the state level which you can vote for and which you can elect. It is a different thing that the Central Government has also done something to the Delhi Government. Power China has made tremendous efforts in the last few years but all the rights have been taken away from Ladakh. There is nothing at the state level that you can elect by voting. At the level above this, the people of Ladakh vote only in the Lok Sabha elections. can go to put


 But there too they have been given only one MP, this is the reason behind all these demands, include us in the Six Schedule at the local level so that we can choose our ADC, this Arki, so that we can protect our land, we can get full statehood at the state level. If not give two more, then at least give us a Legislative Assembly so that we can elect our government and give us two MPS at the central level, otherwise what kind of drama is going on in the name of democracy. The most interesting thing is that friends, it does not matter. falls


You may agree with my reasoning or not because 4 years ago BJP itself had raised the demand to put Ladakh in the Sixth Schedule. What could be the reason?


 The reason that BJP no longer wants to fulfill this demand is very interesting and also quite predictable. If you understand the politics of BJP, then what is the reason? I will talk about it in the next video, but before that, if you want to understand the Indian Constitution in more depth. I would like to recommend this audio book to you. The untold story of the Indian Constitution is explained in detail in it.


How this great Constitution of our country was actually made and what was the history behind it? If you do not know Kuku FM, it is an audio learning platform where there are many such audio books available on almost every type of topic, whether it is history or history. Be it politics, fiction or self-help, download and try it yourself, its link will be found in the description below and by using that link, you will get a huge 70% discount. Now coming back to the topic, these facts are in demand. No, the BJP had written right at the top of their manifesto that we will give Sikh schedule to Ladakh, see what is clearly written in their manifesto.

 I have shown earlier also, today I will show again that in 2019, when the Parliament elections were being held, you had promised to keep Ladakh protected in the sixth schedule in the first three points. It was for the first time in September 2019 that the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes recommended Ladakh should be included in the Sixth Schedule but the government did not take any action. In August 2020, the people of Ladakh put their demand before the government for the first time. In September 2020, the first protest took place regarding this issue in Ladakh. Autonomous Hill District Council elections to be held in 2020. It was in Ladakh and before the elections, Home Minister Amit Shah himself promised that he would fulfill these demands 15 days after the elections.


Seeing this, the protests were called off and BJP won the elections with 15 seats but after that no action was taken. Two more protests were seen in December 2021 November 2022. In between there were a lot of talks with the government but after writing in the manifesto Despite this, the government always refused this demand, that is why today you are seeing this Infinity Fast, it is not that it is being done suddenly, as you have seen, people have repeatedly raised their demands for the last many years.


 But the biggest question that arises here is that what is the problem with the Modi government in fulfilling the demand? It is not that if the people of Ladakh are added to the Sixth Schedule, then the whole country will move here and there. This is a very simple demand and There is no harm in the Modi government uniting the BJP, after all he himself had written in his manifesto.


 What could be the reason for doing this? Here ADC would like to read to you in one line about its functions. Look at the screen: The District and Regional Council Administrator, the areas under their jurisdiction can make losses on certain specified matters like land, forest, canal, water shifting, cultivation. Have you noticed Land’s Forest? This means that if Ladakh is added to the Sixth Schedule, then the Modi government will not have this power over the land of Ladakh. This means that Prime Minister Modi will not send the land of Ladakh and the forests of Ladakh to his friend. could he wanted it

Sonu Manju was afraid that the people of Ladakh do not want their land to be opened up for corporate exploitation. Doing so would not only snatch away their rights from the people there but would also be very dangerous for the environment of the country. Ladakh is a very beautiful but ecologically sensitive part of the country. The mountains here and the valleys here are so unique.


 Like nowhere else in the world, the world’s rarest and endangered animal species are found here, such as the Snow Leopard or the Tibet and the Anteater. The water here is so crystal clear.

 Seeing this, you will not believe that such cleanliness can be found anywhere and if you have ever been to Ladakh, then you would know how innocent and clean-hearted the people here are, the culture, traditions, monasteries and festivals of these people are so excellent. I believe that people come from all over the world to see them.


 That it should be the duty of every Indian to preserve the environment and culturally diverse places like Ladakh, such a place is a priceless gem of our country, but the way our government is tweeting about these priceless gems today tells about the intention of the government. reveals a lot

Today, Manipur has been burning for how many months, it is in a state of civil war and Prime Minister Modi is not even ready to go there, but there is a reason behind this situation of Manipur also due to corporate exploitation.


I had explained this in this video, Hasdeo forest is being cut in Chhattisgarh, so many railways have been built by the people to save the forest but the government has opened it up for the sake of meaning, who is getting the benefit, the public or only the above? Friends of the sitting Prime Minister, this story is not just about Ladakh, Manipur or Hasdeo. Friends, efforts are being made here on a larger scale.


I'm Ritesh kumar. I'm philosopher, I'm international business man,

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