बुधवार, फ़रवरी 19, 2025
होमBlogMystery of DB Cooper || Who is DB Cooper And Why Hijacking...

Mystery of DB Cooper || Who is DB Cooper And Why Hijacking The Aircraft || Untold Mystery

A guy named DB Cooper looks like a normal businessman.


November 1971 in America, a flight of Northwest Orient Airlines took off from the city of Portland. It is a small half-hour flight which is going to the adjacent city of Seattle and there are not many people sitting in it, only 36 passengers and 6 crew members. Are

 But all these people are unaware of the fact that today there is a hijacker present among them in this airplane, a man by the name of DB Cooper. In appearance, the hijacker looks exactly like a normal businessman, he is wearing the same clothes, a white suit. Shirt, black pants and his age would be around mid-forties but he is desperately sitting in the last row of the plane.

DB Cooper


Seat number 18e As soon as the plane takes off, this guy introduces himself, tells an air hostess present that my name is Dan Copper. The air hostess’s name was Florence Staffner and with a big smile gave a note to the air hostess. The sharpener to the stewardess was a 23 year old woman who felt that this guy was trying to flirt with her, so she took the note and kept it with her without reading it. Seeing him doing this, she said, Miss, I think.


 That you should read this note, I have a bomb. When I opened it, it was clearly written in beautiful handwriting, Miss I have a bomb in my briefcase and I want you to sit. I used to sit silently next to the copper sharpener. But he was still not convinced that it could actually contain a bomb, so he opens his suitcase and looks at it.

 Some red cylinder stars and a big cylindrical battery were kept in the suitcase. There is no doubt that it is a bomb. He places his demand share above in front of the hostess.


I want $2 lakh, that too by 5:00 pm today, I want all the cash to be put in a bag and given to me, as well as two rear parachutes, two front parachutes, I want a fuel track ready for when we land, refueling Don’t try anything weird to explain, otherwise I will blow up the entire plane. The rest of the passengers on the plane still didn’t know all this.

And the air hostess did not even want the other passengers to know about it and showed the above note to the pilot of the plane. Another air hostess is also told this and she goes and sits on the upper side. These two air hostesses With the help of this, contact is maintained between the top and the cockpit of the plane.


 I will blow up the entire plane with a bomb. The rest of the passengers on the plane still did not know all this.


Talk to the pilot and tell the traffic controller and soon the news reaches the airline’s President Donald Narrow. He was the decision maker here and he made a very interesting decision. He says that full compliance should be shown regarding copper, whatever it is. He is starting to go and eat, we will fulfill all his demands, after coordinating, he starts talking to a bank in Seattle. To arrange the money, the bank had kept a big bundle of money for such an emergency and in this bundle of money, a big This was also a special thing, we will talk about it further in the video, but here another question must be coming in your mind that why did the President of the airline take this decision?


The only problem here was that some time was needed to arrange the money but this flight was to be of only half an hour.


The reason behind doing corporate work with the hijacker was the reputation. The president of the airline did not want the news of the hijacking to spread across the world and his company would suffer losses due to it, so to put an end to this issue, he went and fulfilled the demands. The only problem here was that some time was needed to arrange the money but this flight was to be of only half an hour.


So the pilot is told here that instead of landing the plane, keep moving in circles in the air near Seattle until we arrange money on the ground, the flight gradually becomes a 3-hour flight. Still unaware of what was happening here, the pilot of the flight announced that we were facing technical difficulties due to which there was a delay.


 So all the other passengers kept feeling the same. Finally, this flight lands at 546 PM at Seattle’s airport. As per the above instructions, the plane is diverted away from the terminal building. Only a representative of one airline comes near the plane for money. When all four parachute with bags and parachutes

 And when a bag full of 2 lakh dollars was given to the person above, he gave permission that all the passengers and flight attendants can leave the plane except three passengers. This airplane is then refloated as per the plan and this flight takes off again. This time only pilots are sitting in the plane.

And with them up and Tina Copper starts giving instructions again


 The pilot is told where to go, at what speed to fly the plane and at what angle. He tells him to take the plane towards Mexico City and the plan code comes at a height of 10000 feet in the air. The position of the wing should be at 15 degrees. And the speed of the plane should be as slow as possible, then we will never be able to reach Mexico City because there is not enough fuel in the plane, but Copper was not worried about it.


DB Cooper said, ‘Keep picking it up as I have told you. Now, friends, what happens next is absolutely unbelievable. It is not like a movie story. The morning light flashes indicating that the rear staircase in the plane has been deployed. This is the plan to arrange it. The special thing about Boeing 727 planes was that there was an eight staircase at the back. In the photos you can see how a staircase came out from the back.


From the same day FDI started its investigation to find the DB Cooper but no name or trace of the copper was found. The investigation continued for 45 years.


 The top of the plane opened these CDOs and parachuted out with the money. The driver, pilot and air hostess did not see this happening because those bags and parachutes were missing. Like above, FDI had started its investigation from the same day. Above: But no trace of Copper is found. The investigation lasted for 45 years.

 It is officially closed from 2016 but answers to many questions remain incomplete. This is the only hijack in the history till date which no one has been able to solve. One of the greatest mysteries of SBI. Who was Copper?


 What happened next to him, were the police ever able to recover that money? There are many questions, so let’s try to understand them. Friends, two things are very interesting about this entire incident. Firstly, did any other passenger know about this entire hijacking? It didn’t occur to him that his plane was hijacked.


 Neither anyone died nor anyone got hurt in this hijack. Many people often give credit to the three Makkals and call them heroes of this entire hijack because they ensured that Kamli continues to work up here. His words: Be listened to and never create any panic situation here in which there would be an uproar and someone would get hurt. The pilot of the plane, Datus, later said that she was so calm and cool and collected that no other person could do this. If there was a criminal sitting next to you who could have behaved better, it would have been someone else.


 The name of DB Cooper, as I told you in the beginning, the guy’s name was actually Din Cooper, but today most of the people call him ‘Mystery of DB’. These 10 are the mistakes behind how the dub came to be. A news reporter told him at one time that The reporter was by the name of James Long, who was late in meeting his deadline, so while talking to his police source in a hurry, he misheard the name.  DB Cooper The policeman there said that the name of the hijacker is DB Cooper , but This reporter heard DB Cooper and narrated the same thing in his news. Many other journalists listen to this report and they also start using the name of DB Cooper for the sixth time in the news in their news channel.


In 2013, a funny theory related to this was also made


In psychology, this phenomenon is called anchoring because humans always rely more heavily on the first piece of information. Whatever information you hear first about any breaking news, your tendency is to interpret it as more true. In 2013, a funny theory related to this was also created, Branded Low, which is also called Bullshit ASymmetry Principle. It believes that this anchoring effect can be very difficult to correct.


 The Amount of Energy Needed to Correct Bullshit Is of Much Higher Magnitude Than to Produce It Broadly speaking, it is very easy to spread a lie in public, but to correct the lie, it is difficult to tell the public the truth. It is more difficult but in our brother’s case, there was no such big mistake, only one name was written wrong and it is not like that any hijacker should tell his real name to everyone. From the initial investigation of SBI, we came to know that when DB Cooper stepped out of the plane and carried all the cash around him.


The weight of all the cash was around 10 kilos. Furthermore, the police had an idea of ​​the area in which it was located. The speed of the hour was about 100 meters south of Washington State. My United States Parachute organization believed that on top of all this, there was another big problem. Problem of cold water: In the month of November, the temperature in this region of America is very cold. If copper has fallen into an article, childhood will be almost impossible from there. Hypothermia will occur within a few minutes in such cold water.

 And with all the weight on top, it would have been even more difficult to get the tires on top, but despite all these things, some such reasons came out later which force one to think.

 The reason for this was that after the Copper The incident, DB Cooper many similar incidents were seen. When the news of the hijacking of Copper spread across the country, many more hijackers thought of the same trick. At least five people committed copycat hijacking and all five of them survived after DB DB Cooper jumping from the plane. 


Marching from the plane, the speed of the plane was 400 to 500 kilometers


 One of them was the Martin Mechanic who hijacked a plane on June 24, 1972. The modus operandi was completely carried out here. He demanded an amount of 5 lakh dollars. When the plane took off in the air, it took a parachute and was like the one above. Marching from the plane, the speed of the plane was 400 to 500 kilometers. It was an hour when he jumped mine and it was twice the speed in comparison to Copper’s diet. But still the mechanics survived their jump, using only a reserve parachute. Another similar hijacking was carried out in January 1972 by Richard La Point. In the month of January, wearing similar clothes, he even made a safe landing in Chalang Meri and Snow, that is a different matter, he was later caught by the police, hence we know his story.


But the FBI thought that if these people could jump and survive in extreme conditions, then it was quite possible that DB Cooper could also have survived that night, especially if you consider that the three Makalu When Parachutes were given to them, instructions were written on them on how to use them but DB Cooper had told three

That he didn’t need to read the instructions, he knew how to do it, so because the people of SBI who did this could be alive, then the next step was for them to search the place where he had actually jumped, to do all those things, then the police did the next hijacking. The police had started from the very day searching for a body or a torn piece of parachute or a $20 bill. At the beginning of the video I had told you that there was something special about the money given to the above. The thing was that all these $20 bills, the 10,000 notices of $20 bills, became 2 lakh dollars.

And the serial numbers written on all these notices were written down by the bank. SBI distributed the list of serial numbers in the country. From banks to casinos, everyone was told.


If you come across notes with these serial numbers, please inform us, but it was very difficult for the investigators to find the copper because there were so many variables as to where to draw the search area exactly. What was the wind speed? Was it so dark? What was the exact location of the plane when it jumped? After the jump, at what site would DB Cooper have opened his parachute and in what directions could the parachute have gone? This was the investigator’s best estimate.


 That it must have landed somewhere in Washington State near Lekh Marvin FBNA. Then we also did a practical experiment if we would fly the airplane with the configuration from the airplane and used to go to the house and knock on the door with a 91 kg Slidester from the airplane. Petrol board started running to ask people to do this article in Marvin. In this article, a company even deployed its submarine to search. If you try to find it at a depth of 200 feet inside Lakh Marvin, then what? Money was found or a piece of parachute was found or someone’s body was found but nothing was found then what did the investigator do by getting all the serial numbers of the notice printed in the local newspaper.


 And the news was published that the first person who will bring any one note with these serial numbers, we will give him a reward of a thousand dollars. This offer ran for 3 years but not even a single note was found. Now coming to this hijack in the year 1979. It had been 8 years. Suddenly a pilot contacted SBI. His name was Tombohan and he worked for Continental Airlines. That night when it was hijacked, another plane flew 4 minutes behind the above plane and 4000 feet above. Tom said that he had never seen such a terrible storm in his entire career. He said that SBI has done its calculations.


 He is wrong by 80 degrees about Copper’s drop zone because he was on the plane that night. He has a better idea of ​​where Copper actually landed. He told SBI that in reality we should land near the drainage area of ​​the Washuku River. A few months later, Tom’s suspicions are proven correct when an eight-year-old boy finds some notices worth $20 lying on the banks of the Columbia River.

 All these notices were of only 20 dollars and some were made of vehicles which were typed with rubber bands. As soon as the police looked at the serial numbers of the notices, it was immediately confirmed that it was the same money that had been given above so many years ago. Tried to search again around this place


 But not much money is found, in total only 5800 are found and Tom’s hypothesis that Copper must have landed in this area is proved to be true. Tom had said that Copper must have landed somewhere around the Washing River and this money. They were found downstream from the same area of ​​the river, after which I tried to search a lot and in the hope that portions of these notes were given.


 The thing was that all these $20 bills, the 10,000 notices of $20 bills, became 2 lakh dollars.


 And in the year 2008, when that child grew up, he saved 15 notes online and in exchange of these $20 notes, he got 37000 because the copper case had become so popular all over the world that people paid so much money to get these notes. A very big question has to be raised here: whatever happened above after jumping from the plane, but who was actually above, by the way, friends, if you like this flight mystery video and you can watch it with audio. If you want to listen in form then there are some good audiobook suggestions on Kuku FM.


Biggest Mystery Navigation on a single M 370 We must have some background information about where this guy came from, what is his identity, SBI did not have much to know the answer to this question, a Tai left by the above and That clip was actually golden and some specific microscopic particles were found in it. Mark, in 2009 a research team started researching these microscopic particles by using new technology. There was a Pelion College List present in this team, a scientist. Illustrator is the largest metal. These particles should be examined by placing them inside the electron microscope. Some portion and alloy of strike clip is of titanium.


Somewhere aluminum, somewhere titanium antimony alloy. Their funding suggested that Copper worked in some chemical or metal manufacturing plant or perhaps he himself used to work in boring in some aeronautical engineering company because it used those alloy titanium. In those days, it was used in aircraft fabrication facilities. It was made by the manufacturing company and had connections with the airplane company. In the first year of the investigation,  DB Cooper SBI talked to passengers and DB Cooper flight crew members and even sketched out a face. Try to imagine what it actually looked like by first taking a sketch and it was something like this on November 28, 1971.


But Air Hostess Sharpener and many other witnesses said that it was not an accurate representation. It took another year to make a new sketch. It was also said that it was not a very accurate sketch and on January 2, 1973, the FBI released its third final sketch. Seeing this new sketch made of copper, an air hostess said that this photo is very accurate, it can be said very easily by looking at the drawing.

That’s what copper looked like that day. The real face of copper and its possible profession was now in front of the world. DB Cooper Many people started making their new theories.


 Regarding its identity, who was actually Copper? Larry Kar, who led the investigative team between 2006 and 2009, believed that the above was an aircraft cargo leader in an Air Force because Kar was given basic jump training to loaders. They know who is wearing a parachute, how to deploy the parachute, how the plane is working, where the stairs open in the plane, etc. Based on these descriptions, the FBI released a list of more than 800 suspects.


800 people, out of which any one could be a DP, but about 20 of them were seriously considered. The story of two or three of them is very interesting. One of them was Richard, who was a Vietnam Army veteran. 5 months after the above hijack. Later they hijacked a plane which was very similar to the above hijack, DB Cooper it was a 727 plane and they demanded a parachute.


After taking Rs 5 lakh dollars and the requested for-money, he jumped by opening the back stairs, but the only difference is that just two days after the hijacking, SBI finds him and arrests him, he is sentenced to 45 years in jail and the FBI It seems that this is Copper, he attempted to hijack it for the second time. Early this morning, the book was published in 1991. Cold does not resist.


 DB Cooper The Real McCoy It was written by Farmer FBI Agent Russell Art In this book it was written that when I showed the well’s family the tee and the tee clip that belonged to Cooper they said yes they were macaques but When I was personally asked if he was DP Copper, he denied that he would neither admit nor deny the fact. After 2 years in jail, someone attempts a jail break which results in a shootout. and he is killed


 After hearing all this, you will feel that this mystery has been solved but there is still a tourist left in our story. Today SBI does not officially consider anyone as DB Cooper. There are two big reasons behind this. First, the sketch they made was of DB Cooper and MCO. The descriptions do not match each other that much. Secondly, SBI later got evidence as to where he was on the night of the copper hijacking. He was present in Las Vegas and the next day he was present at home with his family.


Because there is evidence of this thing, it means that it is very clear that I cannot be DB Cooper. The second suspect is a Vietnam veteran named Robert Rockstar. He was arrested several times for fraud, aircraft theft and possession of explosives but later He was always found not guilty. TV producer Thomas Colward wrote the book.


In 2016, The Last Master was released to prove that Rockstar was DB Cooper. He also made a documentary on History Channel, DB Cooper Case Closed, in that too, the same thing. Colbert works with a team of about 40 people, including many former FDs. They all believe that Rockstar was the real TV Copper.


July 12, 2016, SBI closed this case


Colbert believes that the SBI should have pursued this person. Had the FBI done its investigation further, it would have definitely found more evidence, but on July 11, 2016, when Call World launched its new book on DB Cooper, the very next day. On July 12, 2016, SBI closed this case. In 2016, Rockstar was 73 years old and because of the allegations made against him by this book, he had to lose his job. Later in 2019, he died due to natural causes. Similarly, if we die, then after wandering around, friends, we come back to this point.


Even today, this mystery of DB Cooper is an unsolved mystery. No one knows who this DB Cooper was, where he came from and where he went. What do you feel after hearing all this, here he was, that night when he flew on the plane under pressure. Would DB Cooper have survived his death?

 Or not, write in the comment below. This thing is quite surprising that after the hijacking of Copper, many more such hijackings took place, but in all those hijackings, whichever hijacker jumped from the plane using a parachute, the first thing is that the child is always alive and the second thing is that he is always alive. Police or SBI caught it later but what about the copper?



I'm Ritesh kumar. I'm philosopher, I'm international business man,

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