बुधवार, फ़रवरी 19, 2025
होमBlogHow to Viral On Youtube right Way to Upload Videos on YouTube...

How to Viral On Youtube right Way to Upload Videos on YouTube in 2024! WITH MOBILE

 Best way to upload video on YouTube: Option to upload video

How Viral On Youtube right Way to Upload Videos on YouTube in 2024! WITH MOBILE

There are none of these three, so which one should we choose? Which one should we select among so many categories? Which one to choose among these four visibility options and why? And finally, what is the feature on the upload page due to which I get millions of extra views? It’s All Here and It’s Going to Be Really Fun So Let’s Get Started


best way to upload videos: A mistake many creators make


First of all, one mistake that many creators make is that they upload their videos through YouTube apps or YouTube Studio apps, which is not the best way to upload videos.

Does uploading from an app help? The answer is no. It’s not about views but when you upload a video from your mobile, there are a lot of settings that you miss. Like, if I show YouTube your upload page, can you see how basic it is? Is

 Its interface has only 5-6 features. If you want to access all the features, then you will have to use YouTube Studio but also the desktop version. I know that my maximum viewers use it on their phone, then upload videos and this is completely fine. You can also access the desktop version on your phone. For this you can search youtube.com on your web browser and like me doing it.


 Google Chrome: Enable the desktop site by going to the three dots above, then click on your channel icon and there you will see YouTube Studio, so if you directly click on it.

So many times YouTube Studio opens which is not what we want so I will long press on it and then select Open and New, this will open YouTube Studio in a new type just like.


 After this, click on Create above and select upload video on YouTube . After selecting files, select whatever video you want to upload and you can see the video uploading has started. No of course some videos are being uploaded but now we have the title description. And apart from tax, there are many other settings which can confuse many creators.


Now we have a lot of settings other than title description and tax that can confuse many Youtube video creators.


 Especially for new creators, some of these settings are very important and it is very important to understand them, so let’s talk about them. Many people ask me whether uploading videos in sequence gets more views, so the one word answer is no, but video from the room. While uploading, you will definitely find a small setting, turning it on or off may affect the views.

If you scroll down in the upload page, then inside the license area you will get this option Publish to Subscription Speed ​​and Notify Subscribers on YouTube . If you turn this setting off then your subscribers will not see your video in Subscription Speed ​​plus they will get notification of the video. won’t even go


This setting by default is on but in case it is off then turn it on and you will miss out on a lot of views like if I show the traffic of any of my videos then you can see that from the subscription speed and notifications Views are coming in thousands


 So keeping this on is very important. No, before they jump to the next setting, you might have noticed that as soon as I selected the video file to upload on YouTube, the description part was automatically written in the Not Just This Tax section. Tax Tax I do it in every video


 Part of description automatically


That also happened automatically but how did you say, you can do this very easily for your channel also using a feature called Default Description To access it’s open YouTube Studio then at the bottom left corner click on the settings icon and Click Upload Defaults whatever information you want.

Whatever you want to be written in the description of every video, like social media handles, affiliate links, important playlist etc., you can write all that here in the description box and in future when you upload the video, all this will already be written in the description.


And of course the same thing you can do with tags as well. Apart from this, if you want to know the correct way of writing title description and text, then I have made this video on my channel, if you want, you can watch it. After this, the next setting in which many people are confused about this category is that choosing the right or wrong category has a huge impact on your views and choosing the right category can also make your video viral.


By choosing the right category, your video can also go viral.


After all, how much truth is there in this? Look, Categories is a feature which has existed since the time when YouTube and its algorithm were completely new. At that time, the algorithm was not so advanced that it could know on its own that your video has to be sent to which audience and That’s why there was an option of categories, so we were able to tell YouTube these facts about our videos. In the early days, categories were also started on the YouTube watch page.

 IT’S LIKE IF YOU PUT YOUR VIDEO IN THE RECOGNIZE ANIMALS CATEGORY THEN YOUR VIDEO CAN BE AVAILABLE IN THE RECOGNIZE ANIMALS AREAS WE WILL BE GETTING OPTIONS FROM WHERE PEOPLE CAN WATCH IT BUT NO OF COURSE IT’S 2024 AND E The ‘Login’ is very advanced so it knows that your video will be suitable for the audience. Showing in the short category is a very old and outdated feature of YouTube.


Due to which the impact on views is negligible, you will have a question whether we select anything in the category, then the answer is no, even if the category does not matter that much, if there is an option to select it, then we should select only that option which is relevant to our channel. are most appropriate for

 Like if you are educating people about anything then you can select education which is the category of video on my page if you are learning something like tutorial about anything or cooking video to you can select and so on. Which style of block to select?


We will learn about this in a moment, before that let’s talk about two more approach settings One of which is Automatic Video Chapters By adding chapters to your videos, you can give Piyush a better and easier viewing experience, especially for tutorial and educational content. may be helpful


Multiple topic chapters


 Lately, your video is 10 to 15 minutes long and you have done multiple topics in it. The video is 10 to 15 minutes long and you have done multiple topics in it. But there is a viewer who has come only for a particular information. Now in such a situation. If there are chapters in your video then the viewer can easily go to the part of the video that he wants to watch but if there are no chapters then most likely the viewer will not waste his time in your video when someone else has covered the topic in the appropriate video. Already done

So this min’s setting has to be kept on, right well maybe no. If you have done everything in the video in a point wise systematic manner then you can turn it on and get on with it. YouTube will automatically write the chapter for you but in most cases it will be automatic. It is better to write the chapter yourself rather than depending on the chapter because the automatic chapter is not that accurate. Now we are about to publish the video on YouTube.


 But before that I want to talk about one more setting which is my favorite and I never make a mistake because of it I have got millions of extra views. To access it, go to the Video Elements section and there you will get the option to Add. AND AND SCREEN IF YOU CLICK ON THERE


Add Videos in end screen


 Element Icon You can add more screens of any video playlist or channel. What most people do is that they add any random video of their channel here.


 Which is not the right way to screen and in most cases, if I show you in my analytics, I can see that till date I have received 10,160 views only from the screen, but if I Also, if I randomly put the video on the screen, I would never get so many views, so what is the right way to put the screen? Well, the secret lies in giving views for a reason, that is, you create an urgency in the minds of the viewers for another video of your channel. have to create


 For example, I had just made a video of going to the gaming channel and in it I was explaining the initial words of starting of e-was, how to go, so basically I was going to share two methods, one for the purpose of gathering the initial audience, I told in the video itself. But for the second method, I put a video on the screen in which I have already explained that thing and off course also told him to watch the video on the screen for the second method.


 Now I wasn’t expecting this but this video has a lot of collection on the screen like you can see till now there is more than 35K collection and it’s average and screen click through rate is also 33% which is just impressive to you too. Think about how you can create a region and another genre in your video. Disrespect video Alright.


Finally we have reached the visibility area where we have to select one of these four options.


Now we have finally reached the visibility area where we have to select one of these four options, so first of all let us understand what is the difference between them. If you save the video as private, then no one can access it. Only you will be able to watch the video from your YouTube Studio or from the Marriage Video area of ​​your YouTube account. The Private option is just the opposite.

 Public: As soon as you click on it, the button will change to Publish because making the video public means that this video will be published in the feed of all your subscribers. Those who have pressed the bell icon will get the notification of this video and basically The video will be visible to the algorithm so the like algorithm can recommend this video.


Insert Suggest and Browse No Maximum People make the video public as soon as the upload process is over and if seen, there is no problem in it if your channel is still small but still there is another option which is better than simply making the video public and was You can save this unlisted video by listing it and making it private, but there are some differences.

Because of which it is more helpful like an unlisted video will also remain private but its specialty is that you can share its link with anyone anywhere and they will be able to watch it because they have the full link. Another difference is that unlike Private video where no one can comment In fact, even you yourself cannot comment on unlisted videos, anyone can comment


Who has the link to your video and of course you can do it, so before making the video public through Let’s, if you want to post any comment on it, then you can do so by unleashing the video and chatting. It’s simple to make your video public whenever you feel like it.


If your channel is monetized then you will see a tip below the unlisted option where from YouTube, we should save our video in unless we chat and wait for a few hours, in that time if there is any monetization or visibility issues in the video then it will come to the fore. And then we can change the video accordingly. Apart from these three, there is also a fourth visibility option.


Apart from the three, there is also a fourth visibility option, the schedule.


You must have seen this schedule where some channels upload videos at an exact particular time, like I posted on your channel that a new video is going to come at 4:00 pm, so the video comes on my channel at exactly 4:00 pm. She goes

 And the best part is that all this happens automatically using the schedule option once you click, you can select any date and time and your video will automatically become public at that particular time if you click on this free check box. yes

 So a public watch page will be created, then let people know when your video is going to come and also the time of the video becoming public, you will see the account of time and also the live chat in the video will be premium at that time so finally if In conclusion, this is the best way to upload videos.


 That first you should unlist it so that you can pen your comments and if there is any monetization or visibility issue then you can solve it. After this, when you feel that everything is correct then make your video public directly or upload your favorite video. Schedule a time, which I do too.


I'm Ritesh kumar. I'm philosopher, I'm international business man,

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